The Religious Teachers Fillippini work with the children of Ethiopia and other parts of the world to give them an education, enough to eat, good water, and the skills to become healthy and productive adults.
Every day there is a need for help.
Ethiopia has finished their 2-year Civil War. Our school and Convent in Zalambessa have been destroyed, but the children and Sisters got out in time. They walked for hours to Adigrat — a good 8-hour walk without war…
There was some damage to the Adigrat compound, but Goala and Sassi are fine.
Tutoring begins: The Government will not allow school until June so the Sisters are offering tutoring. The word went out… and on the first day of tutoring 1400 children arrived in our compound in Adigrat.
Who says children don’t like school?!! There is no electricity, but all are happy to be at peace and to be back learning with the Sisters.
After 2 years and the end of war, the children are hungry not only for food but also for knowledge.
Many of these children have been orphaned by the war and live on the street. They are so grateful for help. Pray for them. After classes many go out and find a place in a field to sleep… they call it home!!
The Government is also only allowing our schools to go to the 5th grade. Their way of keeping the people of the Tigray Region down. Sad.
Food Aid distribution: After 2 years of Civil War the Sisters are finally able to get out and about to help the needy children. Good people are sending us money to help these children.
If you’d like to help, please consider a donation to the Sisters Fillippini, using the Donation button in the right sidebar (or scroll down on phones) to send along whatever you can. It all helps, even the smallest amount. The love it shows the children is like the warm sunshine after a chilling rain storm…
God Bless You and thank you for your generosity.